总部位于荷兰的豪氏威马,是一家专营起重设备、钻探及海洋工程设备的跨国公司。最近,豪氏威马接到了两份新订单,为Tideway公司 (DEME NV的子公司)和Royal Boskalis Westminster公司分别设计、制造并调试一套抛石系统。该套高度自动化的系统,是世界首套能将石块快速、准确地抛至2000米水深的抛石系统。与其它抛石系统相比,该系统采用了常平塔架,大大提高设备在恶劣天气条件中的可操作性。该套系统预计于2010年下半年至2011年初交付给客户。这是Tideay公司第三次向豪氏威马订制抛石系统;而对于Boskalis公司来说,这也是第二次与豪氏威马合作。

The stone dumping systems will consist of a gimballing tower and hang-off module, preventing buckling of the self supporting pipe string as a result of vessel motions. From a pipe storage facility, the pipes are transported by a crane to a buffer position and subsequently inserted into the tower with an automated pipe loading system. In the tower a headclamp and rollerboxes provide smooth handling and coupling of the pipe sections, attaching each pipe section with high speed.
In addition, Huisman will deliver skiddable and heave compensated umbilical winches, moonpool hatches, ROV cursor frames, hydraulic/nitrogen systems and four control cabins.
Main specifications
Capacity tower: up to 275mt
Gimbal: at tower and hang-off module
Pipe dimensions: approximatley 12m, dia 1050mm
Storage capacity pipes: 168 pipes (2000m)
Total weight of system: approximately 825mt
Design according Lloyd's CLAME