Master thesis Hugo Romer on 3D printing of heavy tools for the offshore industry wins KIVI award
On 20 September, the KIVI section Offshore Engineering awarded their annual graduation prize to the best bachelor and master graduate in an offshore engineering related topic in 2017. KIVI, the Royal Dutch Institute of Engineers, established this prize for students years ago to accentuate the importance of research in Offshore Technology, to inform the industry and society about results of graduation projects, to stimulate the Offshore Engineering study and high-quality graduation theses and to strengthen the connection between students and KIVI. The theses are judged by a board of very experienced representatives of the offshore industry and universities.

This year, the master thesis award went to Huisman R&D Engineer Hugo Romer, together with his graduation professor, Professor Kaminski, with Hugo’s thesis on “Wire & Arc additive manufacturing for offshore appliances”. With this new technology a heavy crane hook has been manufactured, and subsequently tested on its material qualities, among which strength and fatigue, and the possible anisotropy of the material. The work has been carried out at Huisman, partly in Schiedam and partly in the Czech Republic. We are proud that one of our valued employees won this prestigious prize as it showcases that if you share our ambition to be innovative, dedicated and successful, Huisman offers a broad range of opportunities.