/ Heave Compensation

Huisman has been designing and building Heave Compensation Systems since 1985 and gained experience with a wide array of applications. We provide both active and passive heave compensation systems as well as combinations of both.


We use three different systems for Active Heave Compensation; secondary controlled hydraulic winches, frequency controlled electric winches or hydraulic cylinders. The latter also can be used for passive heave compensation or a combination of active and passive heave compensation.


Our equipment can be fitted with constant tension and passive and/or active heave compensation systems to compensate the relative motion between the vessel and fixed objects such as wellheads or structures on the seabed.


The main advantages of Huisman heave compensation systems are:

  • Increased weather window through high compensation speed combined with high pay load;
  • Low power demand compared to competitors due to clever energy management, reducing operational costs;
  • Redundancy increasing safety. Passive compensation remains available during power loss;
  • High accuracy and high controllability by the operator.
Load Peak Shaving

Load Peak Shaving

To reduce load peaks on the pay load or the equipment, Load Peak Shaving is implemented. This significantly limits the impact forces while lowering payloads through the splash zone and during subsea operations without the need of additional equipment in the rigging.


Huisman supplies:

  • Active Heave Compensation on Hydraulic Winches; 
  • Active Heave Compensation on Electric Winches;
  • Active and Passive Heave Compensation on Hydraulic Cylinders; 
  • Constant Tension on Winches and Cylinders;
  • Load Peak Shaving on Winches and Cylinders;
  • Energy Storage System for Heave Compensation System.
Active Heave Compensation

Active Heave Compensation

To control the position of a load relative to the seabed, Active Heave Compensation can be applied. The position is determined by the control system using the real-time signal of a motion reference unit. In response to this signal the active heave compensation system will haul in or pay out to keep the load at a constant elevation. 

Constant Tension

Constant Tension

Constant Tension is used to achieve a constant line-pull set by the operator. The line-pull is measured by a load cell and is monitored by the control system. If the actual value differs from the preset value, the system will haul in or pay out wire rope to maintain the preset value. Instant adjustment of the cable tension is possible by changing the tension set point value.

Passive Heave Compensation

Passive Heave Compensation

Passive Heave Compensation is mostly used in situations where the load is in some way attached to the seabed for a longer period, for example in a riser tensioning system. Passive Compensation has a low power demand and remains operational during black-out.

Training and Testing Facility

Training and Testing Facility

Huisman has a training and testing facility which allows the testing of different types of heave compensation systems. This facility allows us to develop and test new heave compensation applications and ideas.

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