/ conduct, ethics & privacy

Conducting business with integrity is fundamental to successfully commit to the vision and values of Huisman and its employees. Honesty, diligence and reliability should be the basis of all business dealings. Huisman and its employees are committed to act professional, fair and with integrity at all times. Business integrity is of paramount importance and Huisman demands honesty and truthfulness in the behaviour of its employees and business partners.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

At Huisman, we are strongly motivated to set a new industry standard. With our step-changing technical solutions, we passionately serve a wide variety of customers worldwide and are equipped for impact during times of transition


To uphold this position, our Code of Conduct sets out the main principles and values that we find important in doing business. It defines what kind of behaviour and actions are acceptable at Huisman, and details how we should interact with one another and with third parties. The Code of Conduct exists to fulfil our commitment to providing a working environment where everyone feels safe. It also serves to protect our valuable assets – both physical and intellectual.

Speak up

Speak up

Huisman is committed to ensuring a safe working environment, free of harassment, discrimination, fraud, corruption, conflicts of interest and destructive workplace conduct, for all individuals and entities working with, for and on behalf of Huisman and to protect its reputation of doing business with the highest degree of integrity.


We believe that an open culture, honest behaviour and unconditional communication at all levels are crucial. Huisman encourages anybody to report misconduct without fear of retaliation, sanctions, repercussions, or unfair treatment.


Use our Speak up platform to address situations that harm your personal or Huisman’s integrity and potential misconduct. Huisman shall ensure that all reports are treated confidentially, and if desired, 100% anonymously.


To visit our platform, click on the "Read more" button.

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Anti-Bribery & Corruption

Anti-Bribery & Corruption

Huisman is committed to complying with all anti-bribery and corruption laws and regulations of the countries in which it operates. The Huisman Anti-bribery and corruption policy sets out the rules for persons and entities acting with, for and on behalf of Huisman to understand how to deal with gifts and hospitality, travel and accommodation, facilitation payments and political contributions and activities.


Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Huisman has adopted a series of privacy policies in order to address the specific privacy issues with regard to certain groupings of individuals and specific issues relating to the use of our website. At Huisman, we are committed to maintaining the accuracy, confidentiality and security of the personal data of persons. This policy describes how Huisman processes, protects and to whom Huisman discloses your personal data and what your rights are in respect thereof.

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